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Welcome to Porter Rheumatology

Rheumatologist: Dr David Porter

Principal Clinical Trials Nurse: Janet Evans

Principal Rheumatology Nurse / Associate Clinical Trials Nurse: Robyn Liddell

Porter Rheumatology aims to deliver quality Rheumatology care to patients with inflammatory arthritis and other rheumatological conditions.

Please access items on the menu to the left to see:

1.What a rheumatologist does. An overview of Rheumatology that explains some of the main features of the inflammatory rheumatological conditions. The difference between osteoarthritis and inflammatory forms of arthritis is explained. A discussion of fibromyalgia follows.

2.How to make an appointment. New patients need a referral, previously seen patients can phone directly for an appointment.

3. Where Porter Rheumatology is located. Physical address and a navigable map.

4. Costs. Appointment costs and potential additional costs.

5. Useful links to rheumatology sites/information. Contains links to sites for information about rheumatological diseases, medications and their potential side effects, aspects of living with arthritis, and arthritis support services.

6. A brief biography of Dr Porter.

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